
travel. period.

travel. period.

This is me, Tracey, 20 years old and most importantly: putting myself out there. Some people would say I am a rather chatty person, talking mostly before I really think about it others would say they fear my quietness. Some people would say I am mean, others would say I speak my thoughts. Some people would say I am brave, others would say I am naive. People say a lot of things about other people. So here I am, speaking for myself, sharing my journeys and adventures with the world not only in order to see what happens if you blindly expose yourself like this, but rather make aware and maybe even get advice. For the record, I have not been like this ever since I was little. Then, I was a quite shy and modest girl, playing by herself if she wasn’t invited to play with others, just because she was too afraid of the rejection if she asked. Somewhere along the line this changed – I say, for the good. There’s nothing bad about being shy and timid, but for me, it works much better to be loud and speak your thoughts, standing up and replacing fear with (maybe stupid) bravery. So join me here and make up your own mind of what’s right and what’s wrong, of what’s stupid or not, of what’s exiciting or dull. Just bear in mind, that I am not a grown up. I’m 20. I just decided what to do with my life and found what makes me most happy. It may not be a flashy “Oh-my-parents-are-so-rich-and-buy-me-everything-from-Michael-Kors-to-Chanel” kind of life, but it’s the only one I have and I am proud of it. Proud of all the mistakes that turned into lessons, proud of all the times it seemed to be as hard as I could possibly ever go. This is my journey to find out who I really am and mostly who I want to be.


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